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[야탑고1] 영어내신시험 오답률 순위 1위 문제 알아보기

by 코코스학원 2022. 11. 21.

[야탑고1] 영어내신시험 오답률 순위 1위 문제 알아보기

특징: across / cross 구별 문제

대책: 정확한 어휘 학습이 요구됨

11. 다음 중 어법상 올바른 문장을 모두 고르면?[2.7점] ​

ⓐ If a child is not able to display the desired discipline or displays behaviour which is inappropriate as per family norms, it is important to communicate and discuss the issue threadbare with the child, describing clearly family boundaries or whatever. ⓑ Children must be educated about the limits they shall not across. ⓒ Communicating in simple language, such as: “Such acts are never performed in the family. I don’t consider your behaviour to be right”, etc., does help elicit the desired discipline. ⓓ And if the child tries to cross the limits, it is advisable to warn the child in advance rather than punish him/her later. ⓔ Further, explaining to the child why its behaviour must conform to family norms and remain within family boundaries helps the child to respect the significance of family boundaries and to learn to be happy within that frame. ​

① ⓐ,ⓒ,ⓓ
② ⓐ,ⓑ,ⓓ,ⓔ
③ ⓐ,ⓓ,ⓔ 
④ ⓑ,ⓒ,ⓓ,ⓔ
⑤ ⓑ,ⓓ,ⓔ
정답 ③

ⓑ Children must be educated about the limits they shall not across.
across → 전치사 
동사가 필요한 필요한 자리에 전치사가 쓰일 수 없음 → cross 변경

원문 비교
Children must be educated about the limits they shall not cross

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