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[송림고1] 서술형 분석과 전략

by 코코스학원 2022. 11. 20.

[송림고1] 서술형 분석과 전략

시험 특징: 

[A] 추가 지문 + [B] 원본 형태로 출제

대책: 주제 파악 → 평소에 모의고사 빈칸추론 유형과 요약문 유형을 열심히 공부하면 내신 시험에서도 어렵지 않게 해결할 수 있습니다.

글 (A), (B)를 읽고 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [B: 리딩파워기본 15-2][송림고1]

[A] As we get older, many of us become aware of how often we have hurt the people we love most - our parents, spouses, and children. When confronted by those who we have hurt, we apologize and explain why we acted as we did. We want them to understand that our intentions were not impure, even though our behavior was wrong. In short, we should try to use the same criteria for judging others as we use - and want others to use - for judging ourselves : If we judge others harshly, condemning them on the basis of one or two possibly uncharacteristic actions, we deserve to be judged by the same standard. Rabbi Avrohom Ehrman cites a characteristic example : “Did you even excuse yourself by saying, ‘That’s the way I am! That’s the way I was brought up! It’s very difficult for me to change! All right, so I’m not perfect. Other people aren’t perfect in other ways.’ The next time you jump to condemn someone, put yourself in his place and say: ‘That’s the way he is ! That’s the way he was brought up! It’s impossible for him to change! All right, so he’s not perfect. Other people aren’t perfect in other ways.’”

[B] One reason many of us have a higher regard for our own character than that of others is that we judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their acts, especially those acts we find annoying. For example, if we don’t visit a friend or relative in the hospital, we usually don’t think of ourselves as having done something wrong. Instead, we rationalize, “I really did think of paying a visit; I just didn’t have enough time. But I wanted to go.”Yet, when we are a hospital patient, and others don’t visit, most of us don’t spend time devising explanations for the non-visitors’ behavior. Instead, we are apt to dismiss them as selfish or “fair-weather” friends. Therefore, in the future, make an effort to judge others by their intentions when their actions upset you, in the same way most of us judge ourselves when we have done something that has upset another. ​

➡︎ The author of [A] would most likely respond to [B] by _____________________________. ​

① denying that it is easier said than done
② warning that even Homer sometimes nods
③ noting that a drowning man will catch at a straw
④ rejecting the idea that you reap what you sow
⑤ agreeing that we should do to others as you would be done by

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