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[이매고1] 서술형 분석과 전략

by 코코스학원 2022. 11. 19.

[이매고1] 서술형 분석과 전략

2022년 2학기 기말고사 야탑고 부교재 올림포스2 내용입니다. 기존에 이매고에서 출제된 문제입니다.

참고로, 야탑고는 문법문제가 많은 편이지만 요즘에는 논술형도 출제되고 있으니 대비가 필요합니다. 이매고 문제로 철저히 대비하세요.

이매고 서술형 대책 간단 요약

① 꾸준히 모의고사 풀이 능력을 익힌다.

② 지속적인 어휘확장 필요, 특히 유의어 위주로 공략

③ 기본적인 문법내용(예, 가정법)이 필요합니다.

위의 모든 내용을 코코스영어학원에서 준비가능합니다. 혼자서 공부하기 어려운 학생들은 코코스영어학원과 함께해요~

[논술형 1] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [올림포스 독해의 기본(2) unit 12 practice 2 / 외부지문][이매고1]
(가) Coaches in the field of children's sports need something to guide their efforts, guiding philosophy so to speak. Otherwise they are like sailors of long ago who sometimes sailed about aimlessly and wihtout confidence of their course when away from land. At times, individuals involved in children's sports need to be able to "check the course" by referring to a compass in their own minds to know (A)________________. In order to do this, they must have a "magnetic north" composed of a purpose and of clearly defined worthwhile objectives. If they have their worthy objectives in mind as they make decisions about their programs, they will not be sailing blind.

(나) Why we should develop sport coaching philosophy? Because you can gain advantages through sport coaching philosophy. Having sport coaching philosophy is vital to any coach as it directly impacts upon coaching practice. Sport coaching philosophy enables you to make well-judged decisions and actions. Also, it creates respect and trust in your athletes, leading to a quality relationship. Therefore, it is important to develop your own sport coaching philosophy to properly teach athletes in the field of sport.

​ 1-1. 윗글 (가)의 제목을 <조건>에 맞춰 쓰시오.
<조건> - 반드시 윗글 (가), (나)에서 찾아 쓸 것 - 다섯 단어로 쓰되 반드시 어형을 변형할 것. ​
The ____________________________ ​
→ 주제 파악 문제
The importance of sport guiding philosophy.

1-2. 윗글 (가)의 빈칸 (A)에 들어갈 내용을 <조건>에 맞게 쓰시오.
<보기> direction / they / are / in / if / moving / the / proper ​
<조건> <보기>의 단어들을 모두 한 번씩만 사용할 것
<보기>의 단어 외에 단어 추가 불가 ​

비교> so as to → to / moving → sowing 변환
[시험지] At times, individuals involved in children's sports need to be able to "check the course" by referring to a compass in their own minds to know (A)________________.
정답 if they are sowing in the proper direction

[원문] At times, individuals involved in children’s sports / need to be able to “check the course” / by referring to a compass in their own minds so as to know if they are moving in the proper direction.

1-3. 윗글 (나)를 참고하여 만약 자신이 코치라면 ‘philosophy'를 통해 어떤 이점을 얻을 것인지 쓰시오.
If ___________________________.
가정법 이용해서 영작
If I were a coach in the field of children's sport, I would make well-judged decisions and actions.

추론 → (나) 지문
Sport coaching philosophy enables you to make well-judged decisions and actions.


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